Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 28 - What is in my handbag/purse

I generally like to do my best to keep my purse organized - but sometimes that is a little impossible. I just purchased a new bag a week or so ago, so luckily for anyone reading this the list will be short as I have not had the bag long enough to dump half the crap that would normally be in there, in there!

So the items in my purse are as follows:

-2 prescriptions from my doctor's appointment a week ago (oopsie)
-My glasses case (which I never even use - but if I need it, it's there)
-My wallet (which could use a little organizing)
-A receipt from Dunkin Donuts (yup I cheated on the budget and treated myself to breakfast this morning)
-2 pens
-And my very large bottle of Excedrin Migraine (I go nowhere without it)

And that my friends is what is in my purse - not too bad!!