Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tis the Season to be Jolly

It's Christmastime!!! I do love the Christmas season...just not so much the hustle and bustle at every single store you go to!

After Thanksgiving we came home and decorated the house for Christmas. It was a fun time and Riley was the best helper. Here are some of our decorations.

The Christmas tree:

Our little elf by the tree!

Riley seems very excited about Christmas this year. While she is not ready to sit on Santa's lap, she certainly is ok with telling us what she expects Santa to get her. Her top 3 requests are a Buzz Light toy, Vidia (the Tinkerbell fairy) and a piano. I have a sneaking suspicion that she may have been a good enough little girl this year to earn those toys! Stay tuned to see what Santa brings!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Another wonderful Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was fantastic! We traveled to Orange County to see Juh-Juh and Gramps. Dinner was so delicious and dessert was even better! We have so much to be thankful for this year - Riley is still number one on our list. Following closely behind her, we are thankful for our health, friends and family and our jobs. We hope everyone had as wonderful of a Thanksgiving as we did.

Now we're moving on to Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 1/4

Wow! It's hard to believe that Riley is a quarter of the way through being 2. While I am eagerly awaiting her to get out of the "terrible 2" stage of life, I am also not trying to rush her growing up.

Riley has been doing so much since she turned 2 back in August. Let's see, she endured her first surgery not long after her 2nd birthday, she went on her first trip to the circus and was a pirate for Halloween! She is learning more and more each day and we are more and more impressed with her skills everyday that passes.

Some of Riley's favorite things at 2 1/4 years old are (and in no particular order):

  • Drawing (we have lots of pieces of paper with colorful scribbles laying around the house).
  • Laurie Berkner songs
  • Her horse named "Boy"
  • She loves playing with her stuffed animals
  • Lizard (her hermit crab)
  • Mommy and daddy
  • Not listening to mommy and daddy
  • Telling mommy and daddy "NO"
  • Dora the Explorer
  • Toy Story (especially Buzz Lightyear)
  • Vidia (the fairy from Tinkerbell)
  • Her cousin Keira (who she cries for when she is in time out)
  • Dancing around the living room

Some of Riley's not-so-favorite things at this point are:
  • Sleeping
  • Time outs
  • Listening (LOL)
We love our little Miss Independent and look forward to all the changes (hopefully all positive) that Riley will go through in the next few months. Our biggest goal for is getting Riley in underwear, full time!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Can you believe it??? Two years ago at 11 1/2 weeks Riley started at Childtime (remember this post?). We could not have ever imagined the wonderful teachers that Riley has encountered since she's been there. From Miss Torunn all the way to Miss Miranda, Riley has been pretty blessed with some awesome teachers who have taught Riley more than I would have ever thought!!

Of course this is not to say that we haven't had some hiccups in Riley's childcare along the way, but overall as one of the first major decisions Jeremy and I had to make as parents in choosing a daycare...we are glad we chose Childtime!

Riley seems to love it why try to mess with a good thing???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Terrible Twos

"No one looks forward to the terrible twos, a developmental stage that usually begins sometime in the toddler years.

Although many parents don't expect the terrible twos to start until their toddler is two years old, it is important to note that it can begin anytime during your child's second year, and so anytime after their first birthday, and unfortunately, sometimes even before.

Characterized by toddlers being negative about most things and often saying 'no', the terrible twos may also find your toddler having frequent mood changes and temper tantrums."


Enter Riley Paige.

Riley is our first born, our only child. Riley is so smart and so funny. But she is sooooo naughty too!! She tests limits like there is no tomorrow, she loves the word "no" more than I do and she loves to throw a good old fashioned temper tantrum anywhere - home, mall, school, well you get it. But according to the experts, this is normal. Well call me crazy but right now - I don't want normal!!

I feel bad that on some days bedtime is my favorite part of the night. All I know is most days I am more exhausted than when she was a newborn and I was getting up every 3 hours with her.

I love Riley more than life itself and I know this is all a phase that will someday end. Is it so wrong that I wish that someday was today??

Here is funny countdown clock that I found on the same website:

Riley was born on August 21, 2008 and is 2 years and 3 months old.

You have 287 days - 5 hours - 9 minutes - and 36 seconds until your child is out of the terrible twos phase.

Here's hoping that 3 will be less naughty!!

I know it is hard to believe that this is the face of a "terrible two."