Sunday, July 26, 2009

My girl wants to party all the time...

Party all the time, party all the tiiiimmmeee. So now that you all have that Eddie Murphy one hit wonder in your head, let me share with you about Riley's busy party weekend.

On Saturday, Riley attended her very first bridal shower for Crystal. She got to hang with the big girls and had herself a ball.

Crystal got lots of awesome gifts! We had a good time and were glad we could come!

On Sunday we had a graduation party to attend. Maggie graduated high school (and in 17 more years Riley will too). Riley got to wear another pretty party dress and off we went.

Riley enjoyed the food and company at the party.

Riley was so exhausted from her party weekend that she came home and passed out. Riley had two of her best naps this weekend - maybe we should attend more parties!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

11 months down...

Riley turned 11 months old today! Let's take a look at some of the things she has done in the past month.

Riley has become a walker!! So to reward her for walking, we bought her a toy she can ride - which can change into a toy you can walk with. She loves it and chooses walking over riding.

Riley celebrated the 4th of July (her first) with the Clark family at Kevin and Tammy's house. She loved visiting with all the family and had herself a ball.

Riley loves to read! She also has become obsessed with pictures this month. It's as though all of the sudden she has noticed every picture we have hanging in the house. Good thing I have been doing monthly photobooks from Shutterfly since she was born - now she can read AND look at pictures at the same time.

Juh-Juh and Gramps gave Riley part of her birthday gift early. She received a new table and chairs set. She loves it - and mommy does too! We sit at the table every afternoon and read almost every book she has...twice! Another plus to this table is that if I put her at it in the morning with a book, I can do her hair very easily.

Riley finally stopped being a princess and learned how to hold her sippy cup by herself - she's so proud...and we are too!

Riley's newest obsession (that mommy and daddy find a little creepy and weird) is Yo Gabba Gabba. I really can't complain since it is 22 minutes of silence so that I can cook dinner!

Riley is eating all sorts of foods this month and we're working really hard on trying to get her to use a fork on her own. She is still partial to using her fingers (or pinchers as Aunt Jenny calls them) and that's fine by us - she is a very good eater!!

We can't believe how much about Riley has changed in one month. She is a little chatterbox, she gets this from BOTH sides of the family (boy are we in trouble), she knows where mommy's nose is, she is now sporting 8 - YES 8 teeth, she has the best sense of humor in the world and more love for her daddy and I than we could possibly ask for. We have one goal for Riley to accomplish on or before her 1st birthday and that's to go back to being mommy's baby!!!! Just kidding!!! Until next time - here is a picture of Riley on her 11 month birthday.

Riley Paige ~ 11 months old~07.21.09

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My day at Fort Rickey's

Today mommy and daddy took me on a trip to Fort Rickey's Petting Zoo in Rome, NY. We drove for I'm not sure how long, but it was long enough for me to get a decent nap in. When we got there mommy and daddy were all excited about the animals - I on the other hand wasn't sure what I was in for.

When we first got there I saw some deer. I thought to myself "ok this can't be so bad - they can't get me." Then I realized, they don't call it a PETTING ZOO for nothing.

I was able to feed the deer, goats and fish while there. I saw lots of animals and I wasn't scared. I had a great day!!

Mommy and daddy said that we can go back in the fall! I can't wait!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Translator needed

Riley has been a chatty little girl lately. Today after her bath, she just had so much to say. It's too bad we have no clue as to what she is saying - but we enjoyed the "talking" anyway. If you can understand what she is saying feel free to let us know!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm walking, yes indeed

Looks like we're one step closer to Riley taking off on her own!! I keep asking Jeremy what happened to my baby? The teeth I could handle, saying words I managed, even crawling was fine by me...but walking?!?! I am just not ready to let my little one grow up! Hope you enjoy the footage of Riley taking it step by step (or run by run).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just give me the spoon

Riley decided today that she could feed herself almost all on her own. She sure loves her mashed potatoes!!