Sunday, February 13, 2011

C'Mon Ride the Train

And please, please, ride it (Riley)!!! Ever since last March - yep LAST March, Riley has been using the potty almost daily. We swore that by the time 2010 was over that we would be so over diapers in this house. Boy were we wrong!!

But now, now we are really on it. Riley has shown marked improvement with her potty going. She wears underwear pretty much every weekend and has gotten so much better with telling us when she has to go. We are at about 99% accident free when it comes to doing pee pee in the potty.

Going poop is a WHOLE different ballgame. She holds it in, fights sitting on the potty and tells us she is scared. She has begged and pleaded to go back into a diaper so that she could poop and we won't let her, which results in us throwing away at least 2 pairs of underwear a weekend. What will it take to get her to poop in the potty??? I mean she has before, she just won't now! We don't know what to do!!!! I know in time she will be able to do it, but for now it is more than frustrating to try and explain that nothing bad will happen if she poops on the potty.

In the meantime it is hysterical that since she is in underwear (sans pants because it's easier to get to the potty and just pull down underwear) every weekend, we have lots of random pics of her hanging around with just a shirt and some underwear on!

Pre-school starts in September...I hope she at least gets it by then!!!


Jenn said...

we lived in only under wear for a few weeks.. we are having the same poop problem. no pee accidents but were in pull ups for poop, otherwise its tramatic for everyone involved.