Friday, August 31, 2012

Brusha Brusha Brusha

Today was Riley's 1st ever trip to the dentist.  Of course I feared that she would be terrified and would scream the entire time - but thankfully it was a fabulous experience for Riley.  The entire place is kid friendly and the staff is nothing short of awesome!

Riley got her teeth cleaned (she chose vanilla toothpaste) and got some x-rays done as well.  Both the hygienist and Dr. Willis told her she had a beautiful smile - which we already knew!!  She left there with a good report from the dentist, a new toothbrush, toothpaste and some floss.

Riley enjoyed her first trip and said that she was ready to go back every week!  Since that is not happening she settled with returning in 6 months - ha!

31w 2d update!

How far along? 31w 2d

Total weight gain: Ummm it's been 2 1/2 weeks since I last checked but it was 21 pounds then (insert  sad face here).

Maternity clothes? Is there any other kind??

Stretch marks?  I'm absolutely earning more tiger stripes!

Sleep: I'm up every 2-3 hours - clearly practicing for when Baby Girl gets here!  I also go through some periods of insomnia.

Best moment this week: When Riley decided that when she has her 4 year appointment in a few weeks that she will just hold on to her baby sister when it's time for her shots!!

Miss Anything?  The list is long!  I miss sleep (especially sleeping on my belly and right side), the ability to walk up more than one flight of steps without getting winded, a nice cold beer, sitting comfortably, oh and I cannot wait to breathe again...that whole I have a stuffy nose through my entire pregnancy, yeah it sucks!!

Movement:  Baby Girl is like her sister - she shakes what her mama gave her!  

Food cravings: I have a new love for these M&M cookies the sell at work!

Food aversions:  I made tacos for Riley the other day and because the smell didn't kill me I decided to eat one...yeah wrong choice.  I will continue to stay away until post baby!

Gender: It's definitely a GIRL!

Labor Signs: No real labor signs, just random Braxton Hicks.

Belly Button - It's out and it is so gross!!  

Wedding rings on or off? Still on, which is surprising.  By this time with Riley I don't think I was wearing any rings.  Considering it is the end of the summer and I can still wear mine is a huge accomplishment!

Looking forward to:  October 24, 2012 at 8:30am!!  Baby Girl has been scheduled to arrive on that date (unless she feels like coming earlier - which I really hope she doesn't).  

**These pics were taken on 8.29.12 - I was 31 weeks exactly**

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4?!?! Is that even possible???

Happy 4th Birthday my dearest, sweetest but sassiest Riley!  I cannot believe 4 years have past.  On one hand I ask myself where the time has gone and on the other hand I love watching you grow up and seeing quite the lady you've become (attitude and all).  You are the best of the best rolled into one - you are sweet, kind, loving, sassy, independent, and smart!  I love everything about you including your best and worst sides.  You make daddy and I laugh at least 10 times a day with some of the things you say and we overall are the luckiest people in the world to call you ours!  We know this year will be an exciting one for you, full of new and different things.  We cannot wait to see how you learn to navigate the world around you this year.  We love you!!!

Here is how Riley spent her 4th birthday (technically she was home sick, but since she was feeling better we took full advantage of the day).

Jeremy and I woke Riley up with a waffle singing Happy Birthday!  

Then we went to the zoo - where Riley got to touch an elephant and a bunny.  She had a great time!

When we got home, there was a surprise waiting for her that daddy got her.  Doc McStuffins and all her friends.  Riley was so happy that she got a birthday surprise!

Then Riley and I made Rice Krispie Treats and worked on her Heart Box that Keira bought her for her birthday.  It was fun working on these projects together.

After all that hard work, it was time for dinner.  Riley picked Tully's for her birthday dinner where she dined on chicken tenders and fries and got an ice cream sundae for dessert (yep they sang to her).

When we got home, Riley was clearly EXHAUSTED!!!  She fell asleep on her daddy's chest like she used to as a baby!

Happy Birthday Riley Paige!!!  xoxoxo

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's a Garden Party!!

I have to tell you, I have been looking forward to Riley turning 4 for about 6 months now.  It used to be the "terrible 2s" - but when I think about this past year of Riley being 3, I think about how I would take her being 2 all over again over 3.  Three is so trying!  Maybe it's because at 2 it is acceptable to act like a baby, because you really kind of still are.  At three, you know what you're doing, what buttons to push and I swear Riley's knack for knowing when to pull out all the stops increased ten fold!!!

Either way our little sassy-pants is turning 4 and she wanted to have a garden party!  She only made several requests for this party: (1) it had to be before her actual birthday, (2) her cousin Keira had to be there, (3) she had to have a pinata, (4) she wanted a flower cake made for her, and finally (5) she had to have a fire at the end of the night to toast marshmallows.  That doesn't sound like much...right???

Well I managed to check off every part of that list and Riley had a fantastic garden party with her family.  I still just can't believe that she is turning 4!

Riley told me the night of her party that it was the best party ever!  I have to say I enjoyed watching Riley love every minute of her party.  I wonder if she is already working on a theme and requests for next year...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What's happening???

Wow, I can't believe it is August already!!  It's been pretty busy around here just getting the day to day things done.  We have a lot to look forward to over the next couple of months but more importantly here is what's been going on so far!

Riley started a new daycare - it's a long story about the old one - but let's just say that we're not disappointed with our decision.  Riley jumped right in and is learning more now then she has in the last 6 months! She is also gearing up to start Pre-K in September.  I cannot believe my little baby will be going to a real school, where she has to get supplies, have a backpack and bring her own lunch.  It is so surreal!!  She is really excited about it and has been talking non-stop about going to Holy Family.  

The other subject she talks non-stop about is baby number 2.  She is truly over the moon about being a big sister.  She cannot wait until October when Baby Girl makes her debut (currently scheduled for 10/24/12).  So far so good with number 2.  All of my appointments for her have gone well.  No worries!  I even completed my glucose test and passed!  No 3-hour test here!!  Now we're on the every 2 week schedule so every other Thursday until the end of September I see the doctor.  Riley will accompany me to the appointments and she loves that she can!

Next week is Riley's Garden Party!!  Riley chose to celebrate her 4th birthday in our backyard.  It will be just family again, but honestly for Riley, as long as Keira is there, it doesn't matter who shows up (including Jeremy and I)!! 

Future projects around here will include getting the nursery (and everything else) ready for the baby!  Stay tuned for those updates.

And I couldn't blog without leaving a picture of Riley "just hanging around" enjoying her lazy days of summer!!