Friday, March 29, 2013

Avery's 4 month check-up...

...and yes I am aware that she is 5 months old!  Somehow Avery's doctor's appointments got messed up early on because her 2 month appointment should have been around Christmas.  Due to the holidays it was pushed into January, which then pushed her 4 month appointment into March.  So now, we're back on track and we'll be visiting Dr. Rufa again in 5.5 weeks!

Now back to today's visit.  Dr. Rufa told me that Avery is growing beautifully.  Avery was all smiles and coos while with the doctor, but the nurse came in and gave her 3 shots and she was not too thrilled with that at all.  But even with 3 horrible shots in the legs, Avery cried, fell asleep and then slept for a good portion of the afternoon.

Avery's stats are as follows:

Height:  25.5" in. (65th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs. 9 oz. (95th percentile - and not starving)
Head: 17 in. (83rd percentile and still not as big as her big sister's)

We got the go ahead on solids.  We'll be starting with rice cereal tonight.  Since I will be making Avery's food we probably won't start those until next week!

Until next time - here are some Easter themed "I got some shots today" photos!! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Playing dress up

It continues to be cold and even snowy here despite the calendar claiming it is both spring and the end of March.  We decided to spend some time yesterday playing dress up.  Riley started by trying on some of my dresses (including my wedding dress) and then played with some of her own dresses.  Towards the end, Avery even got in on the action!  We had a great time (but we are also VERY much ready for spring)!!

Happy 5 months Avery!!

How in the world has it been 5 months already?!?!  Avery continues to be the best baby any parents can ask for.  This past month Avery has been doing great sleeping getting up most nights just one time.  The other times she is sleeping through the night.  There are rare occasions where she will wake up more than once, but she wakes up with a smile -  who can be mad at that?

She is still drinking bottles only at this point.  We haven't started her on cereal yet, but just wait, because that is coming....very soon!

We are working really hard on sitting up.  Avery does so well with her control but still has work to do!  She remains vocal and obsessed with her beautiful big sister.  We're looking forward to celebrating Avery's first Easter next week.  

And now I leave you with some pics of our cutie pie 5 month old!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!  

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Avery's First Trip to the Zoo

We have been anticipating bringing Avery on her first trip to the zoo!  The last time Riley and I went to the zoo, I was 30 weeks pregnant!  Riley could not wait to show Avery how cool the zoo is.

Riley woke up this morning excited about the zoo and all that Avery would see there.  She talked about it all morning with her.

We did the usual zoo tour - inside first and then the outside.  Avery was able to track the fish, turtles, otter and meerkats.

The as usual we headed outside where Avery enjoyed the birds and penguins.

While Riley was posing on the elephant, Avery decided a snooze was in order.

Both ladies left happy with a new friend.  ANOTHER penguin for Riley and a meerkat for Avery.  They have been named by Riley so meet, Rainbow Sprinkles and Brownie Sprinkles respectively!

It was a successful first trip to the zoo.  We're looking forward to more trips to the zoo!!