Saturday, July 26, 2014

Avery, Avery, Avery

I'm thinking it is time for an all about Avery post, since it has been a while and she is just growing so much that I feel it necessary to document about our fierce and sassy second born.  

Avery is quite the independent little lady these days - let's discuss a little further.  She will do everything "myself" and without help and dare I say it, with a little attitude.  We don't use a stroller, she's way too cool for one.  She doesn't hold your hand - pssssh - she's got this!  She doesn't sit in her chair at dinner anymore and will only sit stand in a regular chair at dinner.  Crib, what crib???  Not only can she climb out, she chooses the bed every time.

So needless to say - Jeremy and I must face the facts that we are heading into the (terrible) 2s!!!!

Avery is so verbal now.  She can tell you what she and everyone else is doing.  Her all time favorite thing to report is that her friend Nina at school cries EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!  The conversation at pick up usually goes like this:

Me:  Avery, how was your day at school?
Avery:  Good.  Nina crying!!
Me:  Awwww, again???  What did you do?
Avery:  Hug, Nina crying!

And it pretty much goes on like that for the next 10 minutes!

On the flip side of all of this, Avery is my cuddler and will ask for random hugs throughout the day.  She loves to give kisses and always tells me "I love you more."  She is obsessed with Riley and will do anything she does.  She's also hilarious!  Boy does this kid have quite the sense of humor!!!

We're so lucky to have Avery and we loving watching her grow. 

Evidence that she is too cool for both a stroller and a hand.

Don't worry, you don't want to get me out...

I'll do it myself!!!

Did you say I was too small to help build that deck?  I'll show you!!!

Did I mention how super silly she is???  Well here's some proof!

I don't need you to read to me, I'll do it myself!

I think the stance and look says it all!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, America!!

It was a great 4th of July.  This year, we all got up in the morning and headed to Marcellus for the Teal There's a Cure 5k.  I ran, while the kids and Jeremy hung out on the playground and went exploring in the creek.  We had a quiet day and a small BBQ and Riley learned to ride a two-wheeler.  I'd say it was a successful day!

Happy Birthday, America!

I'm taking off my training wheels

 It started out with three wheels...

Then it went to 4...

Just to get to 2...

We decided it was time to take the training wheels off of Riley's bike.  So, on the 4th of July off came the training wheels and Jeremy worked with Riley in the yard on the grass the idea of what it feels like to ride a bike without training wheels.  The grass idea was great for falls.  Riley fell quite a bit in the beginning, but because of the grass, no tears.  The downfall to learning in the grass was that the bike was a little more difficult to maneuver. 

After many attempts in the grass - I pushed the envelop and decided that we would just head out onto the Jeremy says - high risk, high reward!  She did it!!!  Initially the balance wasn't the hard part it was stopping!!!  But by the time it was time to head in for the night, Riley had gotten it.  She could ride, turn and brake.

All in a matter of hours, our 5 1/2 year old went from training wheels to 2 wheels...I hope it's this easy to teach her how to drive!!!