Thursday, June 4, 2009

9 month check-up and all is well

Today we had Riley's 9 month check-up. Her appointment was 2 weeks later than normal because we had to get a new doctor. Dr. Hsie left the practice we were going to and we now see Dr. Rufa. I think we made a great choice. She is very kind and Riley seemed to like her until she had to measure her head. So just to be brief here's a recap of the appointment: we came, we saw, we grew - a lot!! Dr. Rufa said that Riley is looking great and advancing well. She has no worries about our "little" peanut.

Here are Riley's stats for this visit:

Length: 29.5 inches
Weight: 21lbs. 8oz.

She got one shot, and took it like a big girl! In three months she will go back to get 3 more shots for her 1 year! Who wants to celebrate their birthday like that??? NO FAIR :(

Riley Paige ~ 06.04.09 ~ 9 1/2 months


Mommy Decker said...

This picture may just be my favorite of her far!!! LOL! She just looks so beautiful and grown-up!

I cannot wait to see her at the end of the month.

Miss you all so very much!

juh-juh said...

I LOVE the picture!!! She is just the sweetest thing ever!!!!

Aunt Laurie said...

What a gorgeous picture!!! I cannot believe how big she's getting. PS-Riley, I love to celebrate my birthday with shots. A different kind of shots though. Aunt Laurie will teach you alllll about them ;)