Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2 - Your Definition of Success

Webster's Dictionary defines success as:

suc-cess (n) : a - degree or measuring of succeeding; b - favorable or desired outcome.

Some people define their success in the type of job they have, the amount of money they make, the size of the house they live in, where they live, and what type of car they drive. Some people would deem themselves successful as soon as they get the dream job, with the dream title and the dream pay. And while all of those may mean that "someone has arrived" I don't define success on any of that. The truth is, I had the job with the title and the pay and I didn't feel as though that was the factor that determined me successful. But see, on the other hand I don't have the big fancy house, the luxury car and the huge bank account and yet I still feel extremely successful.

What I have that makes me successful is a wonderfully supportive husband and a super awesome 2-year-old coupled with the best family (his side and mine) that anyone could ask for. I may not be able to "keep up with the Joneses" but I believe that my life is better because of that. For us, it's not about the materialistic things, it's about constantly working and striving towards a better me and ultimately a better us!

Coming home from work at the end of the day to my home to a smiling and loving toddler and a hard working husband and eating a home cooked meal at our dining room table and sharing about our day, that my friends is success.


juh-juh said...

Beautifully said!!!