Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14 - A Non-Fictional Book

Ok so the last non-fiction book I read was "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. Clearly, there was a lot of controversy around this specific book (maybe I should have used it for yesterday's post too). Due to the line of work I am in, I love this book - even if most people consider it fiction. I think that unless you've been through addiction (yourself or within your family) or you work in the field you can't quite understand all of the emotion in the book. I believe that James Frey's memories of how he dealt with addiction, rehab, sobriety and the friends he made and lost along the way were true and for that, I am picking this book as my NON-FICTION book!


laurie Connors said...

I believe this is classified as "creative nonfiction"...which happens to be my favorite. I really loved this book...true story or not, it's a good one!

Ryan said...

I also love this book. I think that there was too much attention that was directed towards the "truth" of the book and it sadly takes away from the narrative talent that Frey has as a writer.

As far as non-fiction books about addiction go, I recently read Soaring Above Co-Addiction by Lisa Espich and it's a great mixture of personal struggles and spiritual growth.