Sunday, May 23, 2010

What I am lovin' (these days at least)

Since it has been so long since I have done my own blog, I thought now would be a good time to update everyone on what I have been doing lately. To date, I am 21-months-old going on 4-years-old and I have already begun to show mommy and daddy that I am thisclose to the "terrible two's." Although I do give mommy and daddy a run for their money in the tantrum department, I also like to do things outside of freak out over the word "no." Here are some of the things I am in to (for now):

Getting my toes painted

Hiding in mommy's hamper when it's empty (of course this is rare)

Climbing on things that are not meant to be climbed on (like my music table, the coffee table and the dining room table)

I still love blowing bubbles, especially now that I actually learned how to blow bubbles!

Hangin' (literally) at the park

Smelling flowers (especially when I have to climb on the dining room table to get to them)!!

Putting money in my piggy bank

Brushing my teeth by myself in the mirror.

And of course - I still LOVE being a cutie pie!


Aunt Laurie said...

You are the cutest, Riley Paige! I love you!!

Aunt Laurie said...

You are the cutest, Riley Paige! I love you!!

juh-juh said...

You sure are a cutie pie, I love you!!!