Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Chalk

Outside our house the neighbors just gawk (or maybe not)
Why can't they see there's a museum on our block
All the grown ups they just stand around and talk
I chalk, I ch-ch-chalk

-Justin Roberts "I Chalk"

Today while at Babcha and Pop's house we decided to decorate their driveway with some sidewalk chalk. Everyone joined in:

Babcha drew a picture of the Clark Family - Daddy, Mommy and Riley

Pop drew a scary looking man

I drew a rainbow

Riley took part in lots of drawings as evidence by the following pictures

But not to be outdone by anyone

"Then dad grabbed chalk, and got on one knee (then suddenly)..."

He drew the WHOLE world!!!

Guess I didn' t realize this was a contest!!! Next time I am bringing out the big guns and drawing the whole solar system...take that OVER ACHIEVER!!!