Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oh baby tooth fairy where are you???

It all began on Friday when I received a phone call from daycare saying Riley had a fever, barely slept and was super cranky. I knew it was that pesky upper right molar just trying to break its way through the gum. So I picked Riley up from daycare, had a not-so-fun trip home and let Riley lay down.

I checked her temperature (and so did she).

We started to have a good girls night while daddy went out with co-workers, but Riley was in a lot of pain. She had a very runny nose, which made her cough (and not be able to sleep), a slight fever and of course it didn't help that we had to pin her down to take medicine.

Riley finally fell asleep about 3 hours after her usual bedtime.

But don't let this picture fool you. Riley has not been doing so much of this and now the whole Clark house is both tired and cranky. I am putting in a request, a desperate plea, a NEED. I NEED for these (as of right now) 2 teeth to pop through! Poor Riley is in a lot of pain and I just want our happy Riley back. If anyone out there bumps into the baby tooth fairy, please point her to our house - mommy, daddy and Riley will forever be grateful!!!!!


Jenn said...

Poor Baby I hope she feels better soon.

Aunt Laurie said...

My poor Riley (and sister and brother!) Hope she feels better soon!!! xoxo

Mommy Decker said...

Oh, that first picture breaks my heart!

I hope she is on the mend soon!!!

juh-juh said...

I still don't believe that gorgeous girl could ever be that cranky!! (Think I'm a little prejudice)