Monday, May 11, 2009

What I learned about being a mom...

Yesterday I was able to for the first time in my life celebrate a day that millions of women in the world celebrate - Mother's Day. Every May for the past 28 years of my life, I paid homage to my mom and grandma (and more recently my sisters) who are mothers - women who put their lives and needs on hold for these teeny tiny people in hopes that they turn out to be successful adults.

In the past 8 1/2 months, I have been a mom (or ma ma as I am called daily). Someone once told me that there is nothing in the world like hearing your child say "ma ma" for the first time. I can't tell you how true that is. You always know that your child knows who you are - simply by a look, but to hear the words - it's a whole new ball game!

For 28 years of my life, my mom was my teacher, and although she still is, there is a new teacher in town named Riley Paige. I have learned something new every single day since becoming a mom and I have Riley to thank for that. I only hope that I can be as good of a teacher to Riley as she has been to me. I continue to look forward to learning lots from Riley and being able to see the world through her eyes. Being a mom can be stressful, trying and tiring, but the giggles and smiles and looks of amazement from a tiny face outweigh those trying times. I love being a mom more than I could have ever imagined and couldn't be happier I joined the club!!


Mommy Decker said...

You are such a great mommy!

I love you tons!

PS - This might have made me tear up a bit -- just sayin'...

Laurie said...

You are such a great mom and Riley is lucky to have you! I'm so glad you had a great first mother's day and I'm glad I got to spend it with you and that gorgeous daughter of yours. Love you!!

juh-juh said...

You are a fantastic "mama", and I am so proud of you, and I love watching Riley's face light up as soon as she sees you. Glad you had a great 1st mothers day. I love you!!!