Saturday, May 16, 2009

R says "rrrrrrr"

Riley must really love us. Recently Riley has decided that she cannot do anything unless mommy or daddy is either (a) directly next to her or (b) holding her. This makes for quite the difficult task when mommy and Riley come home at the end of the day and dinner needs to be made. So, we decided to get some magnets that Riley can play with while mommy cooks dinner. They're great because if you put the letter in the holder it tells you the letter and makes the sound that the letter makes. A bonus for us is that it sings the alphabet - Riley's favorite song (seriously - it's her favorite).

She seems to enjoy them, but the true test will be Monday night when we get home and dinner needs to be made!!!


Mommy Decker said...

Those piggy tails! Those chubby legs!

I am dying from the cuteness!!!

"...every letter makes a sound - R says rrrrrr!"

Aunt Laurie said...

How cute is she!!!