Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You can't fool me!

Every night that the Clark family is able to eat dinner together it goes a little something like this - mommy and daddy eat dinner and Riley enjoys puffs. At first, it was very hard for Riley to coordinate her thumb and index finger in order to pick up the puffs. Most would land in her highchair or on the dining room floor. Today we noticed that Riley has gotten so much better eating her puffs that we thought we could trick her. Too bad she showed us!


Mommy Decker said...

Uncle Darrell said "Smart Kid" and I couldn't agree more.

We love ya smarty pants!

Aunt Laurie said...

Smarty! Can't get between Riley and her food! Can't wait to see you soon!

juh-juh said...

There will be no fooling Miss Riley when it comes to eating her puffs.. Love you & miss you!!!