Friday, April 24, 2009

Sick again?!

Riley has been having this nagging cough for a few days. Today she sounded very congested, so daddy took her to see the doctor. Good thing he did, because we found out Riley has an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis. Riley now needs to have nebulizer treatments for the seven days and she has to have them every 4 hours. Believe me when I tell you, she isn't the biggest fan of the treatments.

I think here she is begging me with her sad eyes to get this thing off her!!

Someone has clearly had enough

But what makes any kid feel better when they're sick...BUBBLES of course. Riley and daddy went outside to blow bubbles and it was nice to see Riley smile and laugh again!

Please don't mind the hair - it's been a rough day!


Jenn said...

Oh you poor Baby, being sick is no Fun. Hope you feel better soon!

gamps said...

my poor riley paige but on the bright side you look like a fighter pilot,hope you get well soon i love you with all my heart

Aunt Laurie said...

I know being sick isn't fun, but you're still super cute!! I'm glad I got to come visit!! xooxo