Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I learned in my second month...

Today I turned 2 months old. I learned a lot in my second month of life. Things like mommy won't talk to me when I wake up for my middle of the night feedings because then I think it's playtime but if daddy wakes up with me I can get away with murder and ruin mommy's schedule! I learned that if I really ever want to bug daddy all I need to do is go poop but make sure he is the only one around to change my stinky diaper. I also learned that I am the princess of the house and that mommy and daddy love me more than anything else in the world! I am not always the easiest baby (what baby is) - but rest assured, I know that when I smile mommy and daddy's heart melts. I wonder if this will still work when I'm 16?

Yes I am staring at myself in the mirror, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now I see it...I am CUTE!!

I made friends with the Zebra on my swing...I think we'll call her Zoe.

Here I am the big 2 (months that is). Hmmm...I wonder what I'll learn next month?


Mommy Decker said...

Did you think we were lying Riley?!?! You are SO cute!!!

You have the sweetest smile!

Anonymous said...

Riley, now that you're 2 months old, I think it's time for me to tell you....I am going to steal you from mommy and daddy!!!

With a smile like that, who can resist?? I love you baby girl!!