Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Riley's 1st day of Pre-K

We cannot believe that this day has come.  Riley began full day Pre-K today at Holy Family.  We have been looking forward to this day since waaaaay back in February when we signed her up.  We couldn't wait for more structure, more learning and better preparation for Kindergarten.

Riley has been excited about attending Pre-K at her "big kid school."  When she woke up this morning she yelled "I am so excited to meet new friends!!!!"  

We dropped her off at 7am for before care and were able to leave there tearless.  I am certain it helped that our neighbors 2 little girls were there.  When I picked her up at 3pm from after care, she was all smiles.  She had a great day, that she made new friends, and learned about apples.  She then said she would not tell me more until dinner - ha!  She also told me she liked no other school but this one.  I guess that means that she will be going back tomorrow!!!


Aunt Laurie said...

Yayyy glad it was a successful first day! The first of many, I'm sure. So proud of her! xoxoxox

Mommy Decker said...

Hooray for Riley! So proud of her!

juh-juh said...

So happy you had such a great first day of pre-school!! I cannot wait to hear about all the new things you will learn througout the year!!