Tuesday, September 18, 2012

4-year checkup!

Today was Riley's 4-year well visit with Dr. Rufa.  The afternoon started off where I picked Riley up from school a little early and we got caught in a torrential downpour from the doors of the school to the car!!!  There was ZERO time to go home and change and after calling the doctor's office there was no way we could miss our appointment unless we wanted to wait until October 23rd!!  So it was off to the see Dr. Rufa looking like drowned rats!

Riley did great though despite the rough start.  She answered all of Dr. Rufa's questions and everything points to Riley being right on track.  To date these are her stats:

Height:  41 inches
Weight:  39 pounds

Riley had a vision test and it looks like she has daddy's vision (so far)!!  She was also given 3 shots - chicken pox, polio and the flu shot.  She cried a little - but since she was such a trooper we stopped and got some munchkins on the way home.  All was then right with the world.

Here is Riley with her "battle wounds."

I think we are both glad this appointment is over!!!