Sunday, April 29, 2012

Now that's starting to look like a baby!

I went for another appointment this past Friday and was able to see our little nugget.  S/he is starting to look way more like a baby than a little blob!  The baby was extremely active in my belly - and was wiggling around A LOT!!  S/he has loooooong legs (see pic #2) and is still measuring about a week ahead of schedule.  I was able to see the spine, bladder (which was nice and full), brain and nasal bone.  They measured the baby's NT which was right in the normal range.  So far so good - this little nugget is doing just fine!

I am looking forward to about 6ish more weeks when I can stop calling this baby "nugget"!  Can't wait to find out what this little one is so we can start focusing on names!!


Mommy Decker said...

Yay nugget!

Aunt Laurie said...

Hi Nugget!!

Jenn said...

Great pictures! So cute!