Tuesday, February 21, 2012

3 1/2 - how time sure does fly!

I seriously cannot believe that my little baby is 3 1/2! She is growing up so much!! Tonight at dinner I asked Riley some questions so that I can remember what a little lady she is these days. Here is how our chat went:

How old are you today? 3 1/2

What class are you in at school? PRE-SCHOOL (She was very excited about this answer)

What do you like to learn best at school? I like to learn how to make a small "e"

Who is your best friend? Mari

What is the best thing about being 3 1/2? Trying to be 4

What can you do at 3 1/2 that you couldn't do at 3? I have to tell the truth (After answering she confessed that she has been lying about the crayons jumping onto the wall and writing on them. Apparently, she was doing it the whole time! Hahaha - no kidding kid!)

Do you think you can still act like a baby at 3 1/2? NO!

What do you have to act like? A big kid (DUH!)

What kind of birthday party do you want to have for your 4th birthday? A Valentine's Day Party (clearly she may have been swayed by our most recent holiday).

Of course we had a small cake for her half birthday and Jeremy bought her One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!! Only 6 more months until 4....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Mommy Decker said...

Happy half birthday! Hope to see my favorite 3 1/2 year old soon!

Aunt Laurie said...

You know Aunt Laurie LOVES a half-birthday!! Love this "big kid" (she'll always be my godbaby though) and can't wait to see her soon!!!

juh-juh said...

Awe, Happy 1/2 birthday Riley Paige!!