Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Away...

If only it really was a sunny day!! But no sun didn't even matter! Yesterday Riley took her very first trip to Sesame Place. And while the sun was no where to be seen it did not stop us from having the time of our lives.

Back in - oh I don't know January or February we discovered that Justin Roberts was playing at Sesame Place. Jenn and I could NOT pass up the opportunity for our girls to attend a concert together. So reservations were made, tickets were purchased, weeks were counted and finally it was off to Sesame Place we went.

Justin Robert's concert was nothing short of AWESOME. He also was kind enough to follow through on a request I made on his facebook page asking him to play Riley's most favorite song ever "Doctor, Doctor." We enjoyed his first show so much that we went to a second performance!

Riley rode her first roller coaster and enjoyed several other of the amusement park rides. She also eagerly took pictures with the different characters. I credit Keira for Riley taking pics with the characters because Riley generally hates anything in costume!!

Riley and Keira participated in the Sesame Place parade too!! It was such an incredibly fun day despite the clouds and eventual rain. I had such a great time spending the day with my daughter, sister and niece! I cannot wait to do it again!!!

I took TONS of pictures so if you would like to see more pictures go to this website:


Mommy Decker said...

This was seriously such a great day!!! Love you Clark girls more than you know!

juh-juh said...

So glad you had such a great day!! And so glad you spent the rest of your time with Gramps and Me!! We love you!!