Monday, August 30, 2010

2-year check-up

Today we went to see Dr. Rufa for our 2 year check up. We haven't seen Dr. Rufa since Riley's 18-month appointment back in March so we were a little nervous as to how Riley would act in the doctor's office. When I picked Riley up from daycare I informed her again that we were heading to see Dr. Rufa. She told me that Dr. Rufa was going to check her heart just like Dora does to Boots in the "Doctor Dora" episode of Dora the Explorer. So we talked the whole ride about what would happen at the doctors.

Riley did so great!!! She told Dr. Rufa about her Dora birthday party, about her cake and about what presents she got for her birthday. She let Dr. Rufa listen to her heart and then Dr. Rufa let Riley listen to her own heart. Of course there is the best part of going to the doctor for us which are finding out Riley's stats. One thing we do know is that she is tall and skinny (this definitely doesn't come from mommy's genes) and she has a "good size noggin" according to Dr. Rufa!

Head: 19.75 inches (97th percentile)
Height: 36 inches (93rd percentile)
Weight: 28lbs 12oz. (75th percentile)

Riley received 3 (yes 3) shots: Prevnar, Hepatitis A and her flu shot. She also had to get a second lead test. And while Riley wasn't a fan of the shots or getting blood drawn, she handled everything so well. Our little girl is grown!

Here she is, so proud of her battle wounds!


Aunt Laurie said...

So proud of the little supermodel!

Mommy Decker said...

I love watching you grow!

juh-juh said...

Great check-up, so proud of you!!