Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just a good ol fashion B&E

Tonight was a night for the books! Everything went according to schedule: dinner, playtime, bath, snack and relax time. Dora the Explorer just ended, we shared our favorite part of the day with each other and marched to bed. We tucked Riley in, turned on the music and said "I love you." We then did what we do on any other typical night - we shut the door.

It isn't unusual for Riley to get up out of her bed, run to the door and stand at the door for one last plea to get out. Tonight after a few minutes of her being out of her bed, Jeremy walked down to her room only to find out that her door was LOCKED!!!! We stood there between laughter and panic and tried to get our 23-month-old daughter to follow instructions on how to unlock the door - she tried and tried and you could sense her frustration. Needless to say we had no other option but to bust down the door.

We yelled for Riley to get away from the door and I laid on the floor to watch her little feet run in the opposite direction of the door. Jeremy gave it 2 really good hits and the door was opened. Well Riley got her way - she is currently up on the couch watching The Backyardigans while mommy and daddy wonder how much fixing the damage is going to cost us!

I would have never imagined life with an almost 2-year-old to be so exciting, frightening and anxiety ridden and yet the happiest time of my life. Ahhhh - I totally love being Riley Paige's mommy!!