Thursday, March 4, 2010

18 month check-up

We made the one doctor's appointment with NO shots!!! Whew! Riley went for her 18 month check-up today and has been growing beautifully. Dr. Rufa asked a gazillion questions about what Riley is able to do and really couldn't believe how many words she actually can say. According to the doctor's 18 month assessment the average 18 month old says about 3-10 words (which is really hard to believe), because Riley pretty much says everything and makes sentences. Some of her favorite sentences include: "I dropped it", "I love you too", "Where did it go?" and "I see you."

Some stats on our not-so-little lady are:

Head: 19.3 inches (96th percentile)
Height: 33.5 inches (91st percentile)
Weight: 26lbs (72nd percentile)

Riley managed to brave the doctors with only a few tears shed. She actually sat on the scale by herself for the first time in months!! Now she isn't due to go back until she is 2 in August (I don't even want to have to think that far ahead). Hopefully we can stay far away from Pediatric Associates for several months!!!!


Mommy Decker said...

Yay for a good check-up!

So proud of you!!!

Love you and miss you!

Aunt Laurie said...

Love you Riley Paige!!!!