Friday, January 8, 2010

15 month check-up (yes this is 6 weeks late)

Somehow between Riley's illnesses and the holidays a 15 month appointment was missed. Thankfully yesterday when we went to the doctors we were informed. So it was back to the doctors again today. Unfortunately we didn't get to meet with Dr. Rufa, but we got to meet Dr. Leavitt who was very nice.

So one of my favorite parts of bringing Riley in for check-ups is getting her stats:

Head: 19 in.
Height: 33 in.
Weight: 25 lbs.

Dr. Leavitt showed me the chart and said that Riley was "moving along nicely." He was also impressed with Riley's verbal skills.

We think Riley is moving along well too! Her next appointment will be shortly after her 18 month birthday...and even better - no shots!!!