Monday, October 12, 2009

Girls Weekend Extravaganza 2009

A few months ago, Jenn and I decided we needed to have a girls weekend so that Keira and Riley could have some good old fashion cousin time and us girls can have some good old fashion adult/sister time. We picked a weekend and excitedly counted down the weeks...and finally the weekend came. Here are some pictures of the quality cousin time Riley and Keira got.

Playing chef...hopefully Keira gets her daddy's cooking genes!!

We watched lots of Yo Gabba Gabba - "It is fall, it is fall, the leaves are falling down..."

The girls painted pumpkins, which came out awesome!!

The girls enjoyed their baba's and sippys together (it's a tough life)

We went to the Apple Festival in Lafayette on Saturday. Not a great idea considering it had rained for days before the festival - it was one big muddy mess. But we went on some rides and had a good time while we were there. A bonus is neither one of the cars got stuck in the mud...always a plus!!

On Sunday we went to Critz Farm in Cazenovia. It was fun, windy, but fun. We went on a hayride, checked out the pumpkin patch, played on the playground and had a yummy lunch there. Here are some pics:

Riley and Keira even got some playground time in. Riley went down the slide by herself for the first time ever. Keira held Riley on her lap for the even bigger slide.

I believe a good time was had by all. Riley and I were so happy to host Jenny, Laurie and little Miss Keira. We can't wait to do it all again next year!!


Mommy Decker said...

It was seriously a fantastic weekend!

Love you all so much!


juh-juh said...

Looks like you girls had yourselves a blast!!!

Aunt Laurie said...

I had the BEST time with my awesome nieces and sisters. Can't wait to do it again!!!

Jenn said...

Yay for girls weekend.