Monday, November 19, 2012

The Help

And no I am not talking about the book that became a movie!!  I am talking about all of the wonderful help that I received once Avery was brought home from the hospital.  Bringing home Riley 4 years ago was much different from bringing home Avery.  One kid, no big deal!  I mean at that time life was an adjustment, but you only had one kid to worry about.  This time around, we had a newborn and a 4-year-old who is in school.  So the adjustment was a little different.  Thankfully, I had some great helpers for the first 3 weeks I was home!

Of course, week 1 Jeremy stayed home from work.  He was the person who dropped Riley off and picked her up from school.  He made me lunch and the family dinner all week.  He allowed me to nap and took care of the baby when I did.  He also entertained Riley when I was busy nursing Avery.  I was grateful that he was able to take that week off from work to adjust to our new family.

Then my mom came for a week.  She too helped with bringing Riley to and from school, she cooked our family some delicious dinners, snuggled with both girls daily and even got me out of the house and to the mall!!  We had a lot of quality time together - which was so nice!!!  I was more than thankful to have her here for the week.

And finally Laurie came for a week.  She too helped in cooking some meals for our family and helping get the girls ready when it was time to leave the house.  She stayed home snuggling with Avery while I dropped off and picked Riley up from school.  She also took Riley out for an entire day while I stayed home with the baby and got some house work done.  It was great having some bonding time with my baby sister.  I sure hope my girls will do this for each other someday!

Of course I can't go without thanking my dad too!  He drove my mother and Laurie up 2 weekends in a row.  Then he bought us breakfast and made sure coffee was ready in the morning.  He also got in some quality time with both girls.

I think that Jeremy and I can't say thank you enough for all the help that my family gave during our transition to a family of 4.  While they may all live hours away, we are so lucky and blessed to have such a loving and supportive family.  I couldn't have asked for more!!!


Aunt Laurie said...

I had the best time with you guys! Always happy to help! xoxox

juh-juh said...

It truly was my pleasure!! I had the absolute best time with all of you!! Love you all!!! xoxo

gramps said...

I cannot express the happiness that is in me when it comes to you guys, watching you and your sisters grow up and now your children grow up has been the best part of my life. I will always love the moments we spend together and can't wait for avery to realize gramps is the real spoiler,lol