Friday, May 25, 2012

17 week update

Today I had my monthly doctor's appointment.  Riley came with me and was happy to get a chance to hear the heartbeat (she said "it's very loud").  Everything is looking good.  In 3 short weeks we go back for our anatomy scan where we will find out if we're playing for TEAM PINK or TEAM BLUE!!!  Can't wait - but until then, here is an update of my progress.

How far along? 17 weeks 2 days.

Total weight gain: 6lbs total (but none in the last 4 weeks according to the doctor's office)

Maternity clothes? Definitely tops (unless they're flowy non-maternity) and for pants maternity are still kind of big but my regular clothes are super snug.  Thank goodness for the belly band!

Stretch marks? None - but I know they're coming

Sleep: Much better - I get up only once a night.

Best moment this week: Taking Riley to my monthly check-up so she can hear the heartbeat (140 bpm) and scheduling the BIG sonogram!!

Miss Anything? It's summer and it's BBQ season...I would love to sit in my yard with a beer!

Movement: YES!!  Just this past week, lots of popcorn-like feeling and flutters.

Food cravings: None

Food aversions: Tacos

Gender: Only 20 more days until we know!!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button - Oh it's about half in, half out

Wedding rings on or off? On

Looking forward to: The big reveal in 20 days!!  Will the genders be evened out or will Jeremy be out numbered????  

 Self-portrait taken in the bathroom (no I am not a giant - just standing on Riley's step stool).


Mommy Decker said...

I think this little nugget is going to even out the playing field in your family! ;)

juh-juh said...

I would have said Nugget was going to even out the Clark house, but now I'm not so sure!!!