Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A,B,C it's easy as 1,2,3...or is it??

With Riley transitioning into the pre-school room at daycare I decided to sit down with her a few weeks ago to see just how many letters she would be able to identify. I randomly went through capital and lower case letters with her on the chalkboard. She was able to identify 19/26 capital letters and 16/26 lower case letters.

Then the panic set in!!

I was worried that she would be the only 3-year-old in pre-school that couldn't identify all of her letters. I mean I didn't even know if she SHOULD be able to recognize all of her letters. I figured it was time to go out and get some flashcards.

Thank goodness for the $1 spot at Target. I was able to get cheap flashcards for letters and numbers. It was on to studying from that point forward.

Two weeks later, Riley can now identify 26/26 capital letters and 21/26 lower case letters. She struggles with b, d, g, h, and n. So I say it's been a successful study session over the past 2 weeks. But my vow is that by the time August 23rd rolls around and she is OFFICIALLY a pre-schooler she WILL know all of her lower case letters!!!

As I sat down to write this blog I decided to do a little research to see when a child should be able to recognize letters and according to (which is a site that I tend to use to gauge where Riley should be developmentally) they say:

"Most children begin recognizing some letters between the ages of 2 and 3 and can identify most letters between 4 and 5. This means that you can start teaching your child the alphabet when he's around 2 - but don't expect full mastery for some time."

While this makes me feel better, I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon. If she remains interested I am going to keep moving along!!

Up next - WRITING her name!!!! Hahahahaha - Just kidding. I'll be happy with her just knowing all the letters!


gramps. said...

Tell mommy it's summer vacation and all your supposed to be studying is how to have fun. And you don't need flash cards for that

Aunt Laurie said...

I agree with Gramps!! Mommy Dearest, chill out with the flash cards. We already know Riley's smart :)

juh-juh said...

Riley, you are smarter than most 5 years, I am positive you will know all of your letters, both capital & lower case by the time you enter pre-school. xoxo