Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm a big kid now!

While the phrase "I'm a big kid now" was used on a Huggies Pull-ups commercial, we're shouting it over here because as of last night Riley is no longer in Pull-ups for sleeping.

About week 2 or 3 of being out of diapers we've noticed that Riley has woken up dry EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING!!! Of course we didn't want to just say, ok, let's just not even put pull-ups on because we were skeptical. However, after the last pack of pull-ups were bought I had decided that when that pack was gone, Riley would no longer wear them at night. I mean she's been trained for 3 months now and had been dry for 2 1/2 of those months.

Last night she fell asleep before we got a chance to put them on and she (as expected) stayed dry. So, even though the pack of Pull-ups aren't gone, they will no longer be used.

GO RILEY!!! What a BIG girl!!


juh-juh said...

Way to go Riley!!! You sure are a "Big Kid" now!!! (Not really sure if I like that!!)