Monday, March 7, 2011

Punxsutawney Phil - you were so so wrong!

On February 2nd the world wondered if good ol' Punxsutawney Phil would predict another six weeks of winter or an early spring. Imagine everyone's surprise when the little rodent predicted an early spring. February brought on many "teases" and sure signs that spring was on it's way. Ha! Then came March and all bets were off.

The snow started on Sunday morning and continued into this morning. Thankfully it did stop by mid-morning but this snowfall moved us from Syracuse's 9th snowiest winter to its 4th - wow! But seriously last I checked the first day of Spring is 2 short weeks away and I cannot wait!!

Riley and I enjoyed the day at home because the roads were terrible this morning. Of course you can't have over 10 inches of snow fall and not go out and play in it. Enjoy our pictures from the snow.


Aunt Laurie said...

So fun! I can't believe you got that much snow! It was just a cold sunny day here in NYC!