Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lots of Lights ... and Santa too!!!

What an exciting week Riley had. Snow hit Syracuse last Saturday and kept on all the way until Thursday morning. By Thursday night the snow had stopped and so like the past 2 years, we piled into the car and went to see Lights on the Lake. Riley loved it even more this year than she did last year. We've already had to promise Riley that we'd go back in a few weeks when Aunt Laurie comes up for a visit.

Tonight we went over to Johnson Park for the Liverpool tree lighting. Between the snow from the days before and today's rain it was a little icky outside - but we made sure to get some pictures in front of the tree before heading indoors to see Santa.

Riley really was not into talking with Santa or sitting on his lap. However, she allowed for me to sit on his lap. He asked her if she wanted a dolly for Christmas and she shook her head no and said "I want a Buzz Light toy." Santa said ok. But I had to quickly remind Riley that she needed to be a good little girl in order to get that toy!

She did get a present from Santa tonight that was perfect - a Tinkerbell marker set! She loved it.

What a great few days. Now only 2 weeks left until Christmas!!!


Aunt Laurie said...

Looks like fun! I can't wait to come visit!

Mommy Decker said...

Don't you just love all the Christmas activities??

And how awesome that she got a Tinkerbell toy!

I have a blog post in my head for what we've been up to.