Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Let's do this again!

Remember this blog entry??  It was almost 2 full years ago that Riley got her ears pierced per her request. For those of you that don't know, Riley got her ears pierced and had them pierced for about 3 months.  I will never know exactly what happened, but one night I noticed a little bit of blood coming from her ear (underneath the earring), and Riley then said she banged her head.  I had to remove the earring in order to clean it.  Riley REFUSED to let us put the earring back in and then equally as much, she refused to let us take the other one out.

Riley rocked one earring for a long time.  Eventually it came out, but several months went by, I mean several. The other day, Riley shared that she would like to get her ears pierced again.  So Juh-Juh and I put her in the car and went off to the mall.  Of course when we got there she wanted nothing to do with getting her ear pierced.  So we did a little back to school shopping.  Afterwards we went back to Claire's and she went ahead with getting them pierced.  

This time I think she was a little more afraid since she knew what was going to happen.  She did pick different earrings.  They were pink glitter love hearts!  Riley cried, but now loves her earrings and is happy to have her ears pierced again.  I hope we don't have to ever do this again (with Riley at least)!!

The "before" shot

The "during" shots

The "after" shots

Loving her pink glitter love heart earrings!


juh-juh said...

So proud of you for getting your ears pierced again!! YOu did great!!

gramps said...

I like your new earings and I love you see you soon