Wednesday, July 24, 2013

9 months!!

Holy cow, 9 months!!  Where did the time go?!!?  Avery is exactly 39 weeks old today, which means she has been out in the real world for as long as she was in my belly.  I wish time went that fast when she was in there!  Ha!  

This past month has been full of sleepless nights!  It's tooth time!  Avery has 2 teeth now (bottom front) and if she is anything like her sister, those two top ones should be coming in sooner rather than later.  Avery is a crawling machine!  She also has been spending more and more time standing up on her own, but WILL NOT walk.  If you try to get her to, she immediately drops to the floor and starts crawling.

She has definitely mastered hello and goodbye.  She says "hi" and "bye" as well and I am telling you she can string together "hi mama" and "hi dada."  Avery, unlike Riley, is a one trick pony.  If she says something, she will only do it once and will not repeat herself if you ask her to.  She has said "birdie", "doggy", I am told she has said "Otto" (Babcha's dog) and today she said "Avery."  It was so clear and I tried to get her to say it again, but she wouldn't!!

Avery goes back to the doctor next Wednesday for her 9  month appointment.  I cannot wait to see her stats!  We're looking forward to watching what happens with Avery over the next month.  Will she be walking or will she be talking more??  Only time will tell, but we can't wait!

Here are some 9 month pictures - which are getting harder and harder to take because she is such a squirmy worm! 


Aunt Laurie said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! Love her!!

gramps said...

my avery don't cry ,gramps loves you soooo much happy 9 months, can't wait to see you and your big sister riley soon