Thursday, December 27, 2012

Avery is 2 months!

On Monday, 12.24.12 Avery was officially 2 months old!!!  Hard to believe that it's been 2 wonderful months since Avery came into this world!  Time is flying and I wish it would slow down already!

I feel like so much has changed in the past month.  Avery smiles so much now and she has found her voice!! She coos and babbles and she makes the sweetest little sounds. Avery is beginning to recognize people and loves her big sister the most (well, that's my opinion anyway).  

I have gone back to work and Avery is being watched by her Babcha.  We are so incredibly lucky to have her grandmother watching her.  She seems to have adjusted just fine to being left with her Babcha and has wonderful days.  She now is both nursing and drinking formula from a bottle.  She does both well now.  Formula was a little bit of a problem at first, but now she is a pro!  Avery can also roll over from her belly to back - quite the feat for such a little baby.  

Avery remains a very good baby.  She sleeps well and is just a happy little girl.  We look forward to seeing what she learns in the next month.  We go to the doctor in 2 weeks for her 2 month check-up.  I can't wait to get her stats.  Stay tuned for those!!! 


Aunt Laurie said...

What a gorgeous two-month-old!

gramps said...

you are getting so big and lucky for you babcha is taking care of you, while mommy & daddy are working see you soon