There have been 2 major changes in the Clark family in the past week and I am so happy with the changes.
One big change is Riley's bedtime routine. Anyone who knows us is already aware of the bedtime hell we've been in for about the past 4-5 months (although it really does seem much longer than that). Since about October/November Riley has been having a great deal of trouble sleeping in her room. Apparently we had a severe bear problem!! We tried EVERYTHING!! And when nothing seemed to be working, we unfortunately became lazy parents. We let her fall asleep in our bed then move her, sometimes she wasn't moved, then we put a bigger bed in her room and slept in it with her. We even let her stay up later just so we can at least have some time with each other. Either way the madness ensued!! I finally had enough and had to put my "super nanny" like parenting skills in effect.
I made a schedule for Riley - a schedule with pictures, so that Riley could understand it. We implemented the schedule last Sunday and it has worked. Jeremy and I can enjoy an hour or two of television and conversation without the interruption of a nosy little toddler. I am so proud of myself for kicking it into high gear, but also angry that I waited so long to do it.
Same thing with the potty. Two weeks ago we said enough is enough, you've been training for a YEAR! We got rid of the diapers, gave a lot of praise. had 2 teachers at daycare who were willing to take this path and help us out and BAM! Within 3 days (and one accident) she was completely trained. It is so nice to not have to ask 1,000 times a day "Ri, do you have to go potty" because she now let's us know. We have taken trips close to home and up to an hour and a half away and have been very successful.
I know my last few blogs have been long (and maybe boring) but I use this blog as a baby book and no baby book lets you write about the trials and tribulations of parenting. I write it because in my pre-Riley days I had such a specific idea of what kind of parent I would be and how I would NEVER allow certain things. Well let's just say that all of those things that I would NEVER allow, I have. It's amazing how children change you. But I also write it because some day there will be a Baby Clark #2 and I will want to have something to look back on to remind me of how things will get better...because they always do!!!
And no matter how tough things are - who wouldn't want to deal with this face everyday???

Love my big girl!!!
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