Ahhh it's the time of year us Central New Yorkers can't wait for. The snow is melted, the sun is shining and even though it is still only in the 50s some people think it's time to take out the shorts and flip flops. While we don't believe the summer clothes need to be taken out just yet, we love being able to get out and shake off the long winter's cabin fever!
So what did we do? Well just what almost everyone else in Syracuse does on the first nice weekend of the year...we went to the zoo!
Riley as usual enjoyed her time at the zoo...and mommy and daddy enjoyed taking pictures with their new camera!!
Since Easter is right around the corner, we decided to head to the mall to see if Riley would be willing to take a picture with him. Ha ha - who were we kidding! No Easter Bunny pic this year (but she did enjoy giving him high 5s and playing Peek-A-Boo).
This weekend Riley discovered how to really get into the fridge...great now I have to keep an eye on Riley AND daddy!
Riley got to enjoy blowing bubbles - one of her favorite pastimes. Riley insists on blowing her own bubbles, but she can't and so instead she just makes one big soapy mess!!Riley's Babcha brought over a Ukrainian outfit that was made by a nice lady who goes to her church. Riley wasn't crazy about the idea of playing "dress up" but Babcha and I thought it was the cutest!!
What a fantastic start to spring. We can only hope that we have many more weekends like this!
First In, First Out
11 years ago
So glad the Clarks are enjoying the nice weather. Miss you guys!
i want to go to the zoo with you
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