We are so happy to say that Riley has begun to use the potty!!! She went several times at school and once at home. Seeing as she went potty at home, we decided that potty training needed to officially start today, March 31st!! It was off to Babies R Us after dinner to get a potty and step stool. Of course we couldn't forget a prize for using the potty - Riley chose Mr. Potato Head. So one Dora the Explorer potty seat, one step stool and one Mr. Potato Head later potty training was in full effect.While Riley may be ready to attack the potty - she might need a little bit of help putting Mr. Potato Head together :)
Stay tuned for more updates from Potty Training Central!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
March comes in like a baby and out like a big girl!
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Easter Time is Near!
It's almost Easter and even though we won't be home to celebrate (we'll be back in the OC), we decided the house needed just a little bit of decoration. We got out the plastic eggs and some window decorations. Anyone with a small child knows that you can't do much around the house without them being 100% involved. To make it a little fun I told Riley in order to help she had to sport some bunny ears and be one of the Easter Bunny's helpers. She was totally into it!! Here are the results of our decorating:We let Riley decorate her own part of the door - she had so much fun!! And even with my slight case of OCD - I let her decorations stay exactly how SHE put them. Let's just say, mommy is growing too!!
Here are her decorations:
Here are mine (notice the symmetry):
She had a great time and is very proud of her decorations (and so am I - OCD and all)!!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:25 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The first official weekend of spring
Ahhh it's the time of year us Central New Yorkers can't wait for. The snow is melted, the sun is shining and even though it is still only in the 50s some people think it's time to take out the shorts and flip flops. While we don't believe the summer clothes need to be taken out just yet, we love being able to get out and shake off the long winter's cabin fever!
So what did we do? Well just what almost everyone else in Syracuse does on the first nice weekend of the year...we went to the zoo!
Riley as usual enjoyed her time at the zoo...and mommy and daddy enjoyed taking pictures with their new camera!!
Since Easter is right around the corner, we decided to head to the mall to see if Riley would be willing to take a picture with him. Ha ha - who were we kidding! No Easter Bunny pic this year (but she did enjoy giving him high 5s and playing Peek-A-Boo).
This weekend Riley discovered how to really get into the fridge...great now I have to keep an eye on Riley AND daddy!
Riley got to enjoy blowing bubbles - one of her favorite pastimes. Riley insists on blowing her own bubbles, but she can't and so instead she just makes one big soapy mess!!Riley's Babcha brought over a Ukrainian outfit that was made by a nice lady who goes to her church. Riley wasn't crazy about the idea of playing "dress up" but Babcha and I thought it was the cutest!!
What a fantastic start to spring. We can only hope that we have many more weekends like this!
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day...AND Happy Spring??
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Today was a gorgeous day here in Central New York so we came home and went out to enjoy the weather. Riley took Doreen for a walk and we enjoyed the playground.She took the "big girl" slide like a champ...no more baby slide for this little lady!!
And she walked the stairs like a big girl too!!
We hope everyone (Irish or not) enjoyed their St. Patrick's Day and this beautiful day!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 6:49 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
My sweet new ride
Spring is coming!! Mommy and daddy got a touch of spring fever and decided it was time to get me some wheels. Check out my awesome new bike!
I have a Dora the Explorer helmet and elbow pads too! I am ready to roll. We went to Babcha and Pop's house and I rode on their driveway.
So far, I am loving the spring-like weather. I cannot wait for the upcoming weeks so that I can really get out there and play!! But for now...peace out!! I'm outta here!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 12:37 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
18 month check-up
We made it...to the one doctor's appointment with NO shots!!! Whew! Riley went for her 18 month check-up today and has been growing beautifully. Dr. Rufa asked a gazillion questions about what Riley is able to do and really couldn't believe how many words she actually can say. According to the doctor's 18 month assessment the average 18 month old says about 3-10 words (which is really hard to believe), because Riley pretty much says everything and makes sentences. Some of her favorite sentences include: "I dropped it", "I love you too", "Where did it go?" and "I see you."
Some stats on our not-so-little lady are:
Height: 33.5 inches (91st percentile)
Weight: 26lbs (72nd percentile)
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:10 PM 2 comments