I have been fighting some kind of sickness for the past couple of days. Yesterday I spiked a fever of 102 and I was not allowed to go back to daycare because I don't want to get all my friends sick. It was mommy's turn to stay home with me, but little did she know that yesterday was my last day being sick and that today was a new day, a new me, a better me!
The day started off when I woke up at 6am, but then decided that as long as mommy and daddy let me sneak into their bed I would go back to sleep until 8:30am!When I woke up, mommy thought I could use a good breakfast - she was right. Mommy made me some yummy pancakes, I ate 3. I was really hungry!!
Then mommy said that since I was feeling better and I didn't have a fever there was no need for laying around. Instead she pulled out the finger paints and I began working on my masterpiece.
After the finger paints I still wanted to do something. I asked for my "colors" and mommy went and got my markers and paper. I drew daddy a picture to hang in his new office! I hope that he likes it.
Now, I would not be telling the whole truth if I said that the day went off without a hitch...I had some moments. Mostly my moments came when mommy told me no because I was touching things I am not allowed to.
After a nice nap and some lunch it was time for the dreaded doctors. I was supposed to be going for a follow-up from my ear infection from 3 weeks ago, but I knew mommy was going to tell about my recent fever. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling going to the doctors. Mommy let me bring my penguin with me into the office and I managed to make it in and out of the office without shedding one tear. Mommy was so proud of how brave I was that she took me to the store for a prize. She bought me Play-Doh!!!
I had so much fun playing with my new Play-Doh. Mommy helped me make different things out of it. I can't wait to play some more!!Daddy came home, we ate some dinner and then it was our usual nightly dance time routine. Mommy broke out the maracas while daddy sang some songs from what they called "the 80s" it was a lot of fun!!!!!
Mommy and I played Peek-A-Boo...but really I was playing because I know mommy thought I was being cute and I was avoiding having to get into my jammies and go to bed. Hahahaha - I have them both so fooled!!
I had an awesome day with my mommy and can't wait until the weekend when I can spend the days with mommy AND daddy.
And I couldn't possibly end my night without Diego! I hope everyone had as good of a day as I did!!
First In, First Out
11 years ago
Sounds the the perfect sick day!
Wait until you see how much Play-Doh we have here to play with.
Was your Daddy singing "Roxette"?
Oh my Riley, I wish I could've had a "sick" day with you! Glad your tshirt fits so nicely, and I can't wait to play playdoh with you and Keira next weekend!! Love you so so much!!
Wow, that was some "sick" day!! Looks like you and Mommy had the best time!!!
i'm soooooooooooooooo glad your feeling better and had a great day with mommy & daddy i mss you ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much see you soon , i love ya a bunches
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