Here is my story about my trip to Skaneateles:
It was a beautiful partly sunny and breezy Sunday and daddy had the idea to go to Skaneateles so that I could see the ducks and boats. So in the car we went...
I like to feel relaxed while being driven to and from places. If I could say "take me away Jeeves" I would but let's be real, I am just mastering please and thank you, but I digress - off to Skaneateles we go. Now for those of you not familiar with this lake and don't know how to say it, just say "SKINNY ATLAS." At the lake we saw ducks as promised by mommy and daddy - lots of ducks.
We walked along the lake and watched the ducks swim around and fly into and out of the water.
While taking a break from all the walking, mommy offered me a delicious Gerber Cinnamon Apple Cereal Bar. It was yummy and delicious and I think that the ducks could smell the deliciousness as well, because here's what happened.
The ducks were right at our feet! Mommy freaked out a little when she saw them for fear they might try to fly and swipe said delicious cereal bar.
And who would have thought we would have seen what we saw. Are you ready for this one??? A PIGGY, we saw an actual real live from the farm piggy! I got up close and personal with this piggy. He was cute...wonder if mommy and daddy would ever agree to buy me a piggy?
After our encounter with the piggy, we went out on the very long dock to watch the boats. I practiced saying "boat" and "water" for mommy and daddy - they were pretty impressed (and who wouldn't be?).
It began to rain after a while and we were all pretty hungry. Daddy said he knew of a place where we could eat lunch and then get ice cream. I was all about food and ice cream!!
We stopped at Skan-Ellus. Mommy enjoyed a cheeseburger, daddy a bacon cheeseburger and I had chicken nuggets. We all also enjoyed some french fries. It was a delicious lunch!
And the ice cream was just what we needed at the end of our meal!! YUMMY!!!
It was a great and successful Clark family fun day!
Wonder where we'll go next??
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My trip to Skaneateles
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:30 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1 year check-up
Today Riley had her 1-year check-up with Dr. Rufa. Well this was not a smooth and easy check-up by any means. Riley screamed from the time Dr. Rufa walked into the room until the last bit of blood was drawn for her lead test. It was horrifying and by far the worst doctor's visit for Riley AND mommy! Riley received a total of 4 shots and a prick in the finger for blood to be drawn. Her shots were given to her in her arm this time and not legs since Riley is now mobil. And although we have new stats on Riley to present, we can't be sure how accurate they really are since Riley was a wild woman in the office.
Height: 30in.
Head: 18.75in.*

*The head circumference is the only accurate measurement.
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My Birthday Luau!
The day after my birthday, mommy and daddy threw me a 1st birthday bash. All of my family were there and it was a luau theme. I got a real Hawaiian dress from Hawaii. Mommy bought me a lei and a headband to match my outfit. Here are a few pictures from the day.
Yummy was delish, as I'm sure you can tell by the next 3 pictures!!The best part about any birthday party are the presents! And boy did I get a lot of awesome gifts!!
I had so much fun I was pooped by the end of the day!
This picture = successful party! Wonder what my 2nd birthday is going to be like???
Posted by Riley Paige at 12:26 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
You say it's your birthday...
Yesterday was my 1st birthday! Mommy and daddy keep saying that they can't believe I'm a year but really I can't believe I'm a year old!!! I had an awesome birthday. Mommy and daddy got me some cool gifts, I am able to sit in my car seat facing forward (daddy tells me I need to keep an eye on mommy's speed now), and I had so many wonderful visitors. Here are a few pictures from my actual birthday. Follow up later to see pictures from my Luau Birthday Party.
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:29 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Colorful fun!
Riley having fun coloring.
Hard to believe a year ago this is what Riley was doing!! :)
Posted by Riley Paige at 6:15 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baby genius
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:28 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Little Miss Walker
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:45 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Beach baby
Today was Riley's first trip to the beach. Of course it wasn't the ocean beach, instead it was a lake beach - so it was a little smaller and no waves. So how has it been that it is August 1st and this is only the first time we've been to the beach with Riley?? Well I blame the weather this summer. Most days it's been rainy or chillier than usual...I keep asking myself, "where was this weather last summer when I was 8 & 9 months pregnant with Riley???" But I digress, since this is all about Riley!
So off to Sylvan Beach we went on this beautiful 80 something degree day!! Here is Riley putting her feet in the sand for the very first time. At first she didn't like the feeling, but literally within seconds she was fine.
To get used to the sand we played in it first and made sand molds of butterflies and dinosaurs.
Riley LOVED the water! We couldn't keep her out of it. At one point she was shivering and her lips were slightly blue so we took her out of it and sat her on the towel. All of the sudden we look up and Riley is crawling towards the water - she moved so quickly we never got a chance to take a picture of her doing it for fear she would hit the water without us.
She played nicely on her blanket with her shovel and pail and sand molds.
Of course that wasn't as much fun as being in the water!!
It was a successful trip to the beach. Daddy is already making plans to hit up another beach in two weeks. We can't wait - let's hope for some nice weather!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:41 PM 3 comments