Party all the time, party all the tiiiimmmeee. So now that you all have that Eddie Murphy one hit wonder in your head, let me share with you about Riley's busy party weekend.
On Saturday, Riley attended her very first bridal shower for Crystal. She got to hang with the big girls and had herself a ball.Crystal got lots of awesome gifts! We had a good time and were glad we could come!
On Sunday we had a graduation party to attend. Maggie graduated high school (and in 17 more years Riley will too). Riley got to wear another pretty party dress and off we went.
Riley enjoyed the food and company at the party.
Riley was so exhausted from her party weekend that she came home and passed out. Riley had two of her best naps this weekend - maybe we should attend more parties!!!
First In, First Out
11 years ago
Both of her dresses looked gorgeous on her.
Miss you all!
She looks gorgeous and it looks like she had a blast!! Miss you guys!
Love your party dresses and shoes. Wow she is getting so big. Her hair is getting so light.
You are just a little social butterfly!!! Glad you had such a good weekend!!
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