The Yankee's season may be almost over and the old stadium may be torn down, but one thing is for sure - the Yankees can count on one more fan for next season!!See you for spring training!
First In, First Out
11 years ago
Two parents + a first grader + a toddler = A life of chaos, love and laughs!
The Yankee's season may be almost over and the old stadium may be torn down, but one thing is for sure - the Yankees can count on one more fan for next season!!See you for spring training!
Posted by Riley Paige at 3:17 PM
PLEASE LET ME STEAL HER!!!! Thanks, love you.
If the yankees had cheerleaders,Riley would be one of the captains of the team.
Um, can I get her some Mets stuff? She should be an equal opportunity New Yorker!
Uh oh! Did your Daddy & Pop see you in your Yankee gear?? Hee hee.
Yay for Yankee pride!!!
Love the outfit
riley you look great in your yankee gear makes gramps proud &TELL UNCLE ADAM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mets stuff
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