Today Riley turned one week old. While it may be silly to celebrate one week of life, mommy and daddy didn't think so due to all that Riley dealt with her first few days.
Riley was discharged from Westchester Medical on Monday 8/25/08. Here she is patiently waiting for her discharge summary from the doctor.She handled the car ride home from the hospital better than mommy and daddy who were like nervous nellies driving through the traffic. Riley didn't seem to mind and she slept the entire way home.
She endured her first "washdown" like a champ.
She has been sleeping very well and wakes up pretty much on cue (every 2 1/2 - 3 hours) to eat and get a diaper change. One night she decided to make a diaper change an opportunity to be cute. Here was the end result of that!
Overall, Riley seems to have adjusted to home life. She went on her first doctor's visit yesterday and he was pleased with her progress. Riley is enjoying her quality time with both mommy and daddy. Mommy and daddy are totally in love and while they enjoy the times she's sleeping, they are always looking forward to when she will wake up again and hang out with them.
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