Saturday, January 25, 2014

Avery is 15 months!

It's hard to believe that our little Avery is 15 months old thing you know she'll be 15-years-old!!!  Avery is an awesome kid with the best sense of humor!  She seems to be moving right along developmentally (although I do frequently have moments of panic when I think she is lagging behind).  This morning we sat and came up with a list of words that Avery knows without us having to prompt her and thankfully the list was much lengthier than I had thought.  

Some of the things Avery say are:

dada, mama, Riley, Avery, squirrel, Otto, baba (which she says for both bottle and Babcha), Grandpa, bird, ball, hot, up, pop, bubbles, uh oh, please, bath, apple, flower, rabbit, all done, hi and bye bye.  There are more but I think you get the idea.

Some of the things she does are:

she nods yes and no (although we're still working on the appropriateness), getting off the couch by herself, knows some animals sounds (but loves the sheep, pig and monkey most), listens to one step directions really well, eats even better, crosses her arms and says uh huh when she doesn't want something, and DOES.NOT.SLEEP!!!!!

Avery naps well most of the time and falls asleep well.  But, she wakes in the middle of the night and struggles to get back to sleep on her own.  Let's just say Jeremy and I lack more sleep now than we did when she was an infant!  We're a very tired family.  She has 7 teeth but with the way she eats, you'd think she had all of her teeth!!  

Avery follows Riley and tries to do a lot of what she does.  It's adorable - of course that is unless Riley is trying some daredevilish things that she shouldn't be doing.

We're loving Avery's sweet personality and watching her get better with her words and learning new things everyday.  We'll head to the doctors in 2 weeks for her 15 month appointment.  Can't wait for her stats!!!

Now for some pics of our growing girl!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oh hey there January...

Wow, January is just flying by us!  We're more than halfway through and apparently we've been keeping busy!  Where has the  month gone???

Let's see...

Typical Syracuse weather has given us plenty of snow and new this winter are VERY cold temperatures.  Riley has had ZERO snow days but 2 days off due to the wind chill being waaaaaay below freezing. 

We went to go see Disney on Ice: Passport to Adventure.  It was an awesome show!!  Riley and I had a blast and can't wait to bring Avery with us next year.

We've done lots of hanging around because cold temperatures have us not wanting to go out!  (How many more weeks until spring???)

And best of all - Keira, Aunt Jenny and Juh-Juh came to visit this past weekend.  While we stayed home all weekend our girls had tons of girl time (including playing in the snow)!!!

So what's in store for the rest of this cold, gray, snowy month - (1) keeping warm,  (2) keeping warm and (3) did I mention keeping warm?!?!

Friday, January 3, 2014

It only took 14 months...

...for our poor Avery to get her first real sickness.  We have been extremely lucky in the illness department with little Avery.  On Wednesday she was cranky and off balance.  Wednesday night into Thursday morning was a nightmare!  She slept terribly and would wake up screaming and was not able to be consoled.  Jeremy took her to the doctor's on Thursday and sure enough, poor Avery had an ear infection. (I'm sure it doesn't help that she has 2 teeth coming in at the same time too).  So one trip to the doctor and a round of antibiotics, our baby is on the mend.  Thankfully Gramps and Juh-Juh were still here on Friday and stayed home with her and Riley.  

Avery seems to be doing much better already!  We're hoping this will be our one "sick" visit to the doctor's this winter.

Christmas Part 2/New Year's

Last Sunday we had a second Christmas here after Gramps and Juh-Juh showed up!  We did presents, had dinner and dessert.  The kids made out like bandits again!!!

We celebrated New Year's with Gramps, Juh-Juh, Uncle Matt and Aunt Laurie.  Riley picked out a special New Year's outfit (clearly, all on her own) and helped make snacks for the night.  Riley and Avery both fell asleep before midnight, but celebrated the next day!

Here's to 2014!!