Monday, June 24, 2013

Has it been 8 months already??

It is impossible for me to believe that just 8 months ago little Avery was born!!  Time has flown!  I believe Avery has made the most progress in the past 30 days.  Let's see, at 8 months old Avery crawls, waves hello and goodbye and claps hands.  Her verbal skills include mama, dada, and Riley.  I swear (and so does Jeremy) that yesterday Avery said her first complete sentence - "hi, dada."  If she didn't really say it I would never really know, because that is exactly what it sounded like!  Avery also very recently sprouted her first tooth.  It just broke through the gums between yesterday and today.  I am anticipating more any day now.  She has also been moved to her "big girl" car seat.

So without further ado - our Avery Parker at 8 months old:

This is what pictures look like more and more these days and she is ALWAYS on the move!!

And of course - we needed the Avery and Riley shot!

Here's to one more fabulous month in the books!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fun in the Sun!

We're loving the nice warm (ok, today it was HOT) weather we've been getting.  The best place to cool off - the pool!!!  Today was a nice day to relax in the sun and pool!!

We're hoping to get nice days like this more often this summer!!

Sweet New Ride!

With Riley being so close to 5, we've talked about taking off her training wheels with the bike she currently owns and teaching her to ride.  We figured once she learned to ride, we would buy her a bigger bike.  That plan was a terrible one!!  I took Riley's training wheels off on Friday to see how she would do and the problem was that her knees were practically hitting the handlebars!!  Oopsie!

Jeremy decided it was time to upgrade.  We're so glad we did - poor kid needed a new ride desperately!!!! We got her bike at Toys R Us.  She picked it out all on her own without any help from us.  It is truly a big kid's bike!!

 Look how tiny her old bike looks in comparison!!

So she will roll like this for a week or two (or more depending) and then we'll take the training wheels off!!
It should be an exciting summer!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day!

For Father's Day this year, I decided to ask Riley some questions to answer about her daddy (thank you to Pinterest for the idea).  Here is what Riley had to say about the only man in her life:

What is your daddy's name?    Jeremy

How tall is your daddy?    6 inches (yep, that's inches, not feet)!!

How much does daddy weigh?    51 pounds 

What color is daddy's hair?    Black 

What is daddy's favorite TV show?    Sports

Where does daddy like to go?    To the movies (side note - while asking her these questions, Jeremy was out at the movies with Matt)

What is daddy's favorite food?    Hamburgers

What does he like to drink?  "Beard" (or beer if you're speaking English)

For fun daddy likes....    to go outside

I love when daddy....    reads me stories at night

My favorite thing about my dad is....    that he loves me

And just when I informed Riley that those were all the questions I had, she decided to add two more:

What is your favorite thing about Riley?  That I'm a sweet little girl (hahahahahahahaha she's hilarious)!!!

What is your favorite thing that daddy cooks for you?  Hot dogs

And finally some pictures of daddy on Father's Day with his 2 super cute princesses!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kindergarten here she comes!!

Pre-K is officially over!!!  On Wednesday, 6/12/13 it was Riley's last day of Pre-K.  What a wonderful year it has been!  I think it is safe to say that Riley matured over the past 9 months.  She has grown so much academically and emotionally.  She is so excited about going to Kindergarten - and so are we!!  

Walberta Park Primary School better watch out....because Riley is coming!!!

What A Difference A Year (+ 1 day) Makes

A year ago yesterday was the day that we found out that our little "nugget" was a SHE.  I can remember sitting at the doctor's office after being told we were about add another little girl to the family thinking "what is my world going to look like in 10 years?!?!"  Fast forward to one year later - if I have a small picture of what life will look like in 10 years, I am a very happy lady.  Avery has been an amazing baby and Riley has been an even more amazing big sister.  Jeremy and I are extremely lucky and remind ourselves of that daily.  

One year ago, Avery was a squiggly little nugget in my belly.  Today, Avery is a squiggly little nugget in every way, my little crawling machine (you should have seen her while I was trying to get these pictures)!!!!  

We're thrilled to have Avery Parker in our lives!

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Pre-K Graduate!

I just cannot believe that this day has come!  Riley graduated from Pre-K at Holy Family on Friday, June 7, 2013.  It seems like just yesterday she started school.  The school put on a great graduation.  The kids sang songs and received their diplomas.  Riley was so proud of herself - and we are so incredibly proud of her.  

Look out comes Riley!!!