Wow - I cannot believe what a bad blogger I have been. We're in the last week of June and I have only had one other post for the month. Guess we've been busier than I thought!! Here are some of the things that happened in the month of June.
Miss Miranda - Riley's beloved teacher came over to do some art projects with her. Riley had so much fun that we decided to invite Miss Miranda back next month to do art projects with Riley and Keira. We celebrated Jeremy's 31st birthday this month. And of course, Riley helped blow out the candles - she (and we) wouldn't have it any other way!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
June Happenings!
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:21 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I'm a big kid now!
While the phrase "I'm a big kid now" was used on a Huggies Pull-ups commercial, we're shouting it over here because as of last night Riley is no longer in Pull-ups for sleeping.
About week 2 or 3 of being out of diapers we've noticed that Riley has woken up dry EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING!!! Of course we didn't want to just say, ok, let's just not even put pull-ups on because we were skeptical. However, after the last pack of pull-ups were bought I had decided that when that pack was gone, Riley would no longer wear them at night. I mean she's been trained for 3 months now and had been dry for 2 1/2 of those months.
Last night she fell asleep before we got a chance to put them on and she (as expected) stayed dry. So, even though the pack of Pull-ups aren't gone, they will no longer be used.
GO RILEY!!! What a BIG girl!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:33 AM 1 comments