There is no way in the world I can choose just ONE role model, because I have several and for various reasons. Since getting married and having Riley I have 100% become a family person. Before marriage and a baby I was all about my work - now, while work is important it comes after the care and happiness of my family!
And that is why my biggest role models are my parents (for obvious reasons - they have taught me more than I can write down in a blog) but also my mother and father-in-law. The reason for all four being my role model is because of the number of years that they have been married for. My parents celebrated 34 years of marriage, while my in-laws just celebrated 35 years of marriage. Both couples have worked hard at their marriage, raising their families and making a home for them and their families. Both parents are so supportive of the decisions Jeremy and I make. They all have given us countless advice which has been helpful as a young family. Jeremy and I are more than blessed to have them all as Riley's grandparents. We can only hope that we can do the same with our family as they have for theirs.

Of course my sisters are my role models too for various reasons. I know I can count on Laurie to give me fashion advice and Jenn to give me parenting advice. Both are successful ladies, each in their own way. I have learned a little more about being carefree and independent from Laurie and how to work hard for what I want from Jenn. Both are constantly there for me no matter what is going on in my life (the good, the bad and the ugly) and they're honest! These two ladies are my best friends no matter what happens we always come back to each other. And even though we live hours from each other - we make sure that we email, text, call, webcam or facebook each other EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!!!
I love you sisters!!

And that is why I just couldn't pick 1 role model!! :)