Monday, January 31, 2011

Where did this month go??

Holy cow!!! It's hard to believe that January is over. I have asked a million times today where in the world did this month go. I always look at January as the longest, dreariest and coldest month - but not this year - this year I feel like I blinked and there went January. So since I have taken over the blog for the past 2 weeks I wanted to update everyone on what Miss Riley has been up to this past month. In no particular order here are some of the events that have occured.

We enjoyed several movie nights. Riley's newest favorite is Horton Hears a Who.

Riley has done a lot of lounging around in the house staying warm from the freezing cold temperatures.

We went to the Museum of Play (and bought a season pass) so we will be making frequent trips there over the next year.

We have spent some time in the snow and even bought a sled.

Riley moved into an even bigger girl bed!

Riley has taken on some art projects.

And finally we have started to get into the Valentine's Day spirit by decorating our windows and doors and making Valentine's cupcakes.

Riley continues to do well with the potty, she still hates sleeping in her room (haven't been able to get rid of those bears), and Riley can now spell her name.

We're looking forward to the month of February. We have Valentine's Day, visitors coming for a long weekend, Riley's half birthday and the Justin Roberts concert! Stay tuned for February updates!

Day 17 - An Art Piece

I have to pick Van Gogh's Starry Night. I have it hanging on the wall in my office and I find it to be a beautiful painting.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 16 - A Song that Makes You Cry (or nearly)

It takes a lot to make me cry over a song - but there are lots of songs that make me teary eyed. But only one song really takes the cake and may make me shed a few tears (mostly if I'm by myself) and that is "It's Your Love" by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. This was our wedding song and everytime I hear it I think about our wedding day and how absolutely perfect it was.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 15 - Your Role Model

There is no way in the world I can choose just ONE role model, because I have several and for various reasons. Since getting married and having Riley I have 100% become a family person. Before marriage and a baby I was all about my work - now, while work is important it comes after the care and happiness of my family!

And that is why my biggest role models are my parents (for obvious reasons - they have taught me more than I can write down in a blog) but also my mother and father-in-law. The reason for all four being my role model is because of the number of years that they have been married for. My parents celebrated 34 years of marriage, while my in-laws just celebrated 35 years of marriage. Both couples have worked hard at their marriage, raising their families and making a home for them and their families. Both parents are so supportive of the decisions Jeremy and I make. They all have given us countless advice which has been helpful as a young family. Jeremy and I are more than blessed to have them all as Riley's grandparents. We can only hope that we can do the same with our family as they have for theirs.

Of course my sisters are my role models too for various reasons. I know I can count on Laurie to give me fashion advice and Jenn to give me parenting advice. Both are successful ladies, each in their own way. I have learned a little more about being carefree and independent from Laurie and how to work hard for what I want from Jenn. Both are constantly there for me no matter what is going on in my life (the good, the bad and the ugly) and they're honest! These two ladies are my best friends no matter what happens we always come back to each other. And even though we live hours from each other - we make sure that we email, text, call, webcam or facebook each other EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!!!
I love you sisters!!

And that is why I just couldn't pick 1 role model!! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 14 - A Non-Fictional Book

Ok so the last non-fiction book I read was "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. Clearly, there was a lot of controversy around this specific book (maybe I should have used it for yesterday's post too). Due to the line of work I am in, I love this book - even if most people consider it fiction. I think that unless you've been through addiction (yourself or within your family) or you work in the field you can't quite understand all of the emotion in the book. I believe that James Frey's memories of how he dealt with addiction, rehab, sobriety and the friends he made and lost along the way were true and for that, I am picking this book as my NON-FICTION book!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13 - A Fictional Book

Ok so I can't just do one book - I have to post about a series - Sweet Valley Twins! Oh how I loved these books as a kid!! I know I did countless book reports on the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield. Every Christmas I would get a couple that wouldn't last me very long because I would read through them so quickly. Ahhh the memories!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12 - Something you are OCD about

Make no mistake - I whole-heartedly admit that I am OCD about A LOT of things (just ask my husband). One thing I think I am most OCD about is making sure that I give myself 3 minutes at the end of the day to clean off my desk. I hate leaving work with a messy desk (although I have done it) but I hate even more coming into a messy desk. So if I take the few minutes at the end of the day to clean it off I feel much better when I come in the next morning!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11 - A Photo of You Recently

This photo is as recent as it gets - it was taken on 01.16.11.

And this is what all photos of Riley and I look like when we're trying to get just one nice picture...Riley saying "CHEEEEEESE" and smiling with her eyes closed!! Oh well, she's cute no matter what!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10 - A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago of You

This photo was taken I believe my Junior year of high school. It was clearly during football season hence my cheerleading football jersey. So 1996 definitely qualifies as over 10 years ago! Yikes, I'm old!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9 - A Photo You Took

Well since I take about 90% of the pictures we have, I will post a pic from last week's snow fall where we pulled Riley around on a sled! She loved it and Jeremy and I felt like kids again playing in the snow.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 8 - A Photo that Makes You Angry/Sad

The following photo makes me more sad than angry. I hate having to look at this picture and remember all of the trauma that Jeremy and I and especially Riley went through on those first few days of her tiny little life.

It is easy to not be angry at this picture because thankfully for us, Riley had fast thinking doctors and nurses at Horton Hospital and wonderfully caring and loving doctors at Westchester Medical Center. Plus, we know the in the end we brought home a happy, healthy baby that we have been blessed with!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 7 - A Photo that Melts Your Heart

When I first saw this day, I thought - how in the world do I only pick one photo that melts my heart because I have dozens!! As I scrolled through my pictures I remembered this one:

This picture was taken August 25, 2008 it was Riley's first night home. After what we had gone through days before it felt wonderful bringing her home and be able to "relax" for the first time in days, as a family. I love this picture more that words can express!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 - 20 of my Favorite Things

* spending time with my little family *
~ date nights with my hubby ~
* a good steak *
~ sweet tarts ~
* my sisters *
~ a clean house ~
* reality TV *
~ sunshine ~
* a lazy Sunday *
~ web camming with my family ~
* chocolate *
~ a good cup of coffee ~
* fall *
~ bedtime stories with Riley ~
* Bon Jovi *
~ playing Chutes & Ladders with Riley ~
* baking *
~ taking pictures ~
* family dinners *
~ hot chocolate ~

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5 - Your Favorite Quote

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you."

~Frederick Buechner

(Thank you Jenn for putting this on your blog the other day - once I read it, I loved it and knew I was going to want to use it today).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4 - My Favorite Book

Tricky question!! Since becoming a mommy almost 2 1/2 years ago it has become quite difficult to read any books that I would truly enjoy. I always feel bad because Laurie sends me these wonderful books, that I never have time to read. So I am going to do something a little different...I am going to pick a book that I read with Riley. My favorite book to read to Riley is "I love you, Stinky Face" by Lisa McCourt. The book is playful and funny and by far one of my favorite children's stories. Anyone who has children should buy this book and make it part of their child(ren)'s collection!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3 - My Favorite Teacher

This one is an especially easy one! I have had so many awesome teachers in my life from kindergarten to college, but my 5th grade teacher Mrs. King was by far the best!! I have a lot of wonderful memories of 5th grade and was more than lucky to have the firm but fair Mrs. King. I can only hope that one day Riley has a teacher as fantastic as she was!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2 - Your Definition of Success

Webster's Dictionary defines success as:

suc-cess (n) : a - degree or measuring of succeeding; b - favorable or desired outcome.

Some people define their success in the type of job they have, the amount of money they make, the size of the house they live in, where they live, and what type of car they drive. Some people would deem themselves successful as soon as they get the dream job, with the dream title and the dream pay. And while all of those may mean that "someone has arrived" I don't define success on any of that. The truth is, I had the job with the title and the pay and I didn't feel as though that was the factor that determined me successful. But see, on the other hand I don't have the big fancy house, the luxury car and the huge bank account and yet I still feel extremely successful.

What I have that makes me successful is a wonderfully supportive husband and a super awesome 2-year-old coupled with the best family (his side and mine) that anyone could ask for. I may not be able to "keep up with the Joneses" but I believe that my life is better because of that. For us, it's not about the materialistic things, it's about constantly working and striving towards a better me and ultimately a better us!

Coming home from work at the end of the day to my home to a smiling and loving toddler and a hard working husband and eating a home cooked meal at our dining room table and sharing about our day, that my friends is success.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 1 - My biggest accomplishment

Well this is pretty easy! Although I believe that I have accomplished many wonderful things in my life - my biggest was being the first in my family to graduate from college.

30 day blog challenge

I am taking on the 30 day blog challenge so for the next 30 days you will find out random pieces of information about me. Here is how it goes - each day I will blog about the following things:

Day 1 - Your biggest accomplishment
Day 2 - Your definition of success
Day 3 - Your favorite teacher
Day 4 - Your favorite book
Day 5 - Your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of your favorite things
Day 7 - A photo that makes your heart melt
Day 8 - A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - A photo you took
Day 10 - A photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - A photo of you recently
Day 12 - Something you are OCD about
Day 13 - A fictional book
Day 14 - A non-fictional book
Day 15 - Your role model
Day 16 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc.)
Day 18 - My wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - A talent of yours
Day 20 - A hobby of yours
Day 21 - A recipe
Day 22 - A website
Day 23 - A youtube video
Day 24 - Where I live (in detail, why it's special)
Day 25 - Guilty pleasure
Day 26 - Your week, in great detail
Day 27 - My worst habit
Day 28 - What is in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - Hopes, dreams, plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - Car you drive (and past cars too!)

So let's get started!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Celebrating our 200th post!!

Once upon a time ago in December 2007 a newlywed couple learned that they were having a baby.

Due to the fact that this couple knew no matter where they lived there would be friends and family who would not get a chance to see the newest member of their family as often as they'd like, the smart mommy decided to follow in her wise, older sister's footsteps and start a blog for the new baby. It started on July 9, 2008 about 6 weeks before the baby's arrival.
I cannot believe that 2 1/2 years and 200 posts later we're still documenting our not so little ones' accomplishments. It is so much easier than keeping a baby book and all the more entertaining. We're so happy that we have people who enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy sharing bits and pieces of our lives. I cannot wait until Riley is older and we can go back through the blog together and relive our memories! This was the best idea I ever stole!! To another 200 blog posts and more!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

We're still here...

...hanging out, enjoying the new year!

Nothing too new and exciting to report. We are back on the potty training train and we are s-l-o-w-l-y plugging along. We're still in the midst of the terrible twos and while I am believing that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I also believe we still have quite a way to go. So we hope everyone is enjoying their new year as much as we're enjoying ours...and that everyone in the northeast is staying warm and learning to love the snow.

Until next time!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

This year we spent New Year's at Gramps and Juh-Juh's house with Aunt Laurie, Uncle Schneckie, Aunt Jenny and Keira. Riley was excited about ringing in the new year and got her party gear on.

However, Riley could only make it up but for so long. At 10 minutes to midnight, Riley fell fast asleep as the rest of the crew rang in 2011.

Happy New Year!
Here's to an awesome 2011!!