This weekend was yet another successful Girl's Weekend. Mommy and I left on Friday right after I got picked up from daycare and traveled straight to New Jersey to Aunt Jenny's house. I stayed awake the whole way watching my Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba DVD's (can't thank Gramps and Juh-Juh enough for that DVD player). We got to New Jersey kind of late, but not late enough that we couldn't throw in some good quality cousin time.
When it was finally time for bed, Aunt Laurie read us some stories.
The next morning, Keira and I were up bright and very, very early. We were excited to be going to the aquarium. After a breakfast of toast, cheerios, bananas and grapes we got ready to head out to Connecticut to the Maritime Aquarium. This was my very first visit to an aquarium and the state of Connecticut. Mommy told me that I managed to cover the entire tri-state area this weekend.
The aquarium was so much fun!! I saw so many fish, seals, penguins and otters! I even touched a stingray, crab and starfish, oops - I mean sea star (because it's not actually a fish). When we got home, we played bubbles, play-doh and had a picnic pizza party! Then it was off to the park we went. What a long fun day we had!!!!
On Sunday morning we woke up and mommy told me that we were heading to the NJ Children's Museum. We were able to dress up and play with things like sand, horses and musical instruments.
It was such a fun and exhausting weekend - can't wait for the next one!
PS - because mommy is a freak with the camera and took so many pictures you can see all of this weekend's pictures here: I can't warn you enough though - there are A LOT of pictures!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Girl's Weekend - April 2010
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:23 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Jeremy = daddy
Posted by Riley Paige at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Riley, Riley jump up and down
Posted by Riley Paige at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"Look a moon, it's shiny"
Please note: this video is dark because, well, what good is a flashlight with the lights on??
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:43 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dessert is yummy in my tummy!
Riley is a girl after my own heart! She loves dessert equally, if not more than her mommy. Cookies, cake, ice cream, even fruit - it doesn't matter as long as you call it dessert!!
Yesterday we went out for our first ice cream trip of the season. Riley enjoyed her "banilla" ice cream from Vicky's Tasty Treats.
Today for dessert we had little strawberry shortcakes. Riley loved it and kept calling the cake a cupcake. I don't think it matters what it is supposed to be called - for Riley it was "yummy in the tummy."
Hmmm, what to have for dessert tomorrow...
Posted by Riley Paige at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Well thankfully she is no Lady GaGa - but she can be our little Riley Rockstar!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Ow, Ow, Ow
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter 2010
Easter this year was so much fun! I was able to enjoy the whole idea of Easter this year way more than last year. We celebrated Easter with Juh-Juh and Gramps, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Darrell and Keira and Aunt Laurie and Uncle Adam. I had a blast!! I colored eggs on Saturday night, hunted for eggs on Sunday morning and got to wear a pretty dress.
When Keira came over we had another Easter egg hunt outside. What fun!! Some of the eggs had prizes in them!
I had so much fun with my family! I hope everyone ate lots of chocolate and candy!
A special thank you to Juh-Juh and Gramps for hosting an awesome Easter was delicious!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 7:25 PM 4 comments